Love According to Dalva. Daddy’s little girl?

I was a bit nervous to show this one. It’s kind of hard to sell a story about a 12 year old girl, kidnapped at age 6 by her father, hidden away, home-schooled, dressed by him, and ultimately groomed to be his “lover”. I was like, “Trust me. It’s so uplifting!”.

Well… people did trust me, and tonight that trust was rewarded with another great movie. Emmanuelle Nicot’s debut feature film, shown at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival, tells the story of a young girl (brilliantly portrayed by Zelda Samson) gradually realizing that she has indeed been abused, and now, finding the courage to reclaim her childhood. Her surly child services roommate, Samia (Fanta Guirassy) provides plenty of laughs, and the two become unlikely besties. OK… that’s enough details. Happy ending.

And… today was baking day for me (and for Zoe and Franck’s son too). So there were treats!