The Northman. Holy Odin!

Hello Anya!

Tonight was another pretty heavy dose of blood and guts (actually less guts than our previous feature), but Robert Eggers showed us one more time that he is a visionary director, and doesn’t lose his cool when handed $90 M to make a flick. That’s a lot of dough!

Eggers delighted audiences with his creepy first feature film The Witch, introducing us to the very large-eyed Anya Taylor-Joy (always amazing to watch). Apparently she asked to be cast in The Northman, after Eggers had briefly been “unfaithful” to her when he cast Valariia KaramanĀ  as the mermaid in The Lighthouse… maybe it was a nudity issue? She got naked this time. Just saying.

Anyway, this was a thrilling movie to watch, and even the fossilized Nicole Kidman gave good character. I wonder whether his next movie will be called The (something)?